Sunday, February 6, 2011

The role of Dubai in the future of Sahaj Marg

As Sahaj Marg develops and expands through the world so do the material needs of the mission. 

In the GOLDEN ERA of our group, in generations to come, i picture a "MEDITATION STADIUM"  This will be built in honour of your current master- a pulchritudinous building which will have the room to accomodate the hundreds of thousends of abhyasis who will be joining us in the coming decades.  

This magnificent tribute will be in Dubai will will be an important centre of light in our system. 

It will be a sanctuary of tranquility and brotherly love where anyone can come and concentrate on their practice and spend time with likeminded brothers and sisters. This project will be initiated by my beloved Krishna and it will come to fruition in two generations time.

Love to all

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