Sunday, February 27, 2011


"Many educated ignoramuses put down and mock true spiritual seekers such the abhyasis of our system.

There is strong resistence in a hige percentage of the population of earth against making the concerted effort to start a spiritual journey and to arrive at knowing by having direct inner experiences which they believe is impossible but in actual fact is entirely possible. 

These people usually have negative attitudes such as so what, who cares or I don't believe in all that stuff

But the most poweful reason for people avoiding the spiritual path is LAZINESS

You live in an era of quick fixes in every area of life-fast food, next day delivery and fast track everything! 

Only a few individual souls from the poplation of over seven billion on earth ever make an effort to be the best that they can be in any area of life be it religion, politics, sports, education,  spirituality, medicine etc. Only a select few are determined enough to reach the top. So to most an unimportant human task such as achieving spiritual maturity is much too a daunting task as they feel it will take too much effort and time.

My abhyasis are of the lucky few of the huge population of earth who are willing to make the effort and i am proud of and love each and every one


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