Monday, February 7, 2011


"I look down upon Nainital and see my son, weary from his latest travels, bravely carrying out his duty towards humanity. 

I see him surrounded by many loving souls but see one single person- a treacherous, dishonest and disloyal soul. He claims to be full of love for his MASTER but is in truth a danger to him. Not even the most astutue human could see through his cunningly assembled disguise as it is his inside soul which carried jealousy towards my son, in truth anyone who found out his inside feelings would be astounded to see the real nature of the abhyasi C.A.P.  He travels oceans to be with his MASTER and though he has made dangerous mistakes in the past he feels he has been forgiven but these mistakes are not forgotten. 

There are many abhyasis who are closer to their MASTER in their heart than this man is physically-and they dont incessantly bleat about their "love" for MASTER to all and sundry as he does.

A true abhyasi keeps their love for their MASTER close to their heart and protects it like a delicate flower. The true abhyasi does not feel the need to show off when they are close to HIM.

My son is surrounded by enough loving souls to be protected from this person who he has known for decades and he is aware of this mans true feelings......the old adage keep your friends close but your enemies closer was never more appropriate"

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