Monday, February 28, 2011

Abhyasi who is worried about missing satsangh for 2 weeks.

"Dear Beloved Son

You fear that your are being taken away from Sahaj Marg by your family as they take you away to visit temples and you will miss satsangh for 2 weeks. 

You have no need to worry-it is very important to respect your family, your parents and all elders. Stay in constant remembrance, do you meditation and keep your family happy. This is an important part of human existance. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and time apart from the ashram does not mean you are being taken away from us-it just means you are carrying out your human duties and respecting your parents which is something to be proud of

Love to you"

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I am accessible to all

"Dearest Children

MASTERS are not to be worshiped they are there to be questioned,quizzed and you should not hesitate to ask if you have worries or troubles about anything that we teach as it is our role to educate and serve you.

 I was a normal human who was sent to Earth to raise awareness and guide people to the path. When you start to make myths out of normal people who have walked the Earth in the name of spirituality, you are at serious risk of becoming disconnected from them and the message they are trying to spread.

Keep in mind that everyone is a human no matter who they are-MASTER or DISCIPLE, KING or BEGGER. And every soul is as important as the next soul



"Many educated ignoramuses put down and mock true spiritual seekers such the abhyasis of our system.

There is strong resistence in a hige percentage of the population of earth against making the concerted effort to start a spiritual journey and to arrive at knowing by having direct inner experiences which they believe is impossible but in actual fact is entirely possible. 

These people usually have negative attitudes such as so what, who cares or I don't believe in all that stuff

But the most poweful reason for people avoiding the spiritual path is LAZINESS

You live in an era of quick fixes in every area of life-fast food, next day delivery and fast track everything! 

Only a few individual souls from the poplation of over seven billion on earth ever make an effort to be the best that they can be in any area of life be it religion, politics, sports, education,  spirituality, medicine etc. Only a select few are determined enough to reach the top. So to most an unimportant human task such as achieving spiritual maturity is much too a daunting task as they feel it will take too much effort and time.

My abhyasis are of the lucky few of the huge population of earth who are willing to make the effort and i am proud of and love each and every one


Baby naming

To the abhyasi from Brazil who emailed on 25th February

"Dearest Daughter

You ask for us to choose a name for your baby. The name you give to your child will have no effect on its life whatsoever so you may choose a name that is dear to you.

Instead of worrying about the effect a name has on a life instead concentrate on how you will raise it-give it love, affection and guidance at all times and teach it to be kind and caring

Blessings to you"

Guidance for the abhyasi from America who emailed on 14th Feb

Hi, you emailed asking for guidance and below is your answer from Babuji

"My Son
Your love for your Master grows day by day and this is a sign of your spiritual growth. Do not tormet yourself with worries of psysical work for the mission-your job is simple-to concentrate on your sadhana and look after yourself.

You are advised to put your trust in life and in your Master and know in that you are loved and cared for ignoring any thought from you mind-ego that tells you otherwise. If you do this and stay in constant rememberance then you will observe that things have a way of working out. 

The simple truth is that your mind-ego ie your thoughts should never be allowed to take charge. 

Trust in us and you will end up exactly where you are supposed to be.
You wish to be physically close to Master but you are in the right place where you are now. In years to come you will return to India but for now carry on and listen to your feelings for they are the language of the soul


Saturday, February 26, 2011

A message for Arokiasami Prabhakar in Chennai

Babuji praises where praise is due and also gently chastises when it is needed.

"I have said If you want the rose, be prepared for thorns. A rose was planted over thirty years ago by me while i was on Earth and this rose has been watched over by me since then. This soul has suffered badly through its life suffering more than any person should but this suffering was neccessary for the path it had chosen to tread.The fragrance of devotion has been taken from the flower and there is nothing left and this is partly due to your actions.

All souls that choose to incarnate in a human body take a risk when choosing to do so as a human has something no other being has that is free will. This can lead it to make decisions that will cause hurt to others.

My son you have been spiritually active for many years and have worked dilligently but the small seemingly insignificant action you took on a Friday in April last year has hindered your progress. You have worked hard for your master and although this is commendable the one small action i speak of has cancelled out the good.

Please be careful in all actions-think carefully of how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of the actions you carry out and imagine how your beloved Daphne or even Priya would feel if they had been in that situation

There is still a chance to right the wrongs that have been done-this task will not be easy-no task worthy of superb results ever is. 

I love you and will try to help you by guiding you in meditations and satsanghs


A message of LOVE for Cyril B

My beloved child

You write under anonymous names to confuse and amuse. 

You are hurt and upset and it pains me to see you like this. 

Please let go of the anger you have inside you. 

You are attempting to rescue people when they do not need rescuing.

I love you with all my heart and seeing you live alone nuturing the hate you have for Sahaj Marg brings much pain to me. 

I am reaching out to you-if you want me in your life you know i am always here for you Don


Friday, February 25, 2011

BABUJI has sent a request asking Abhyasis to use the 9pm prayer to think about the people of Libya and the difficult, sad and unnessesarily painful period they are about to enter.
Thank you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pam the poetress from Charlotte

"My daughter

Your poetry is angelic and i would encourage you to manifest your creative viewpoint in this way. Many Abhysis have talents in the arts be it music, art, poetry or writing and you should all utilise these talents to express your spirituality

Having been an abhyasi for 5 years you are progressing well and i watch over you and your family especially the three young souls you have brought into the world and nuture so greatly


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Personal message

"Premkishore for nearly 11 years you have been in a foreign land but have not forgotten your roots. You and your soulmate Simrit are intellectually clever both having Phds but this does not affect your egos. Your actions and the way in which you both live your lives fills me with pride. Through your difficult times remember me and i will take on your troubles and ease any pain you feel. Remember this in the year to come my children. 

I love you" 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Question from Santosh about how to communicate with BABUJI

"Dearest Son, this question was asked of you during meditation and here is the answer you were searching for.
I am a big admirer of humanity and i have always desired to speak to each abhyasi directly. Slowly this longing is becoming a reality. All you need to do is open your hearts and ask me to come to you. That is all you must do and there is no other requirement. I will speak softly to you so that you may know that you are not alone and are loved divinely by all of us

You must ask for us again and again and ask with all your might with heart and conviction and know we are here to answer. EXPECT ANSWERS FROM US that is what we are here for!
The whole of humanity is now at a point that means this is accomplished more easily than ever and the divide between us is thin and malleable.  Again i say, all that is needed is an open heart. Some abhyasis do not desire to open their hearts because they have been hurt the previous times they did this. We do understand, many times you have had hope and it has been annihillated. Many times you have had a sweet dream, and yet the dream has not occurred.
It is difficult to dream and believe in something so loving, so abundant, and so forgiving. These wonderful qualities have been in sparse supply in your many lives upon earth and yet you still continue to believe in goodness, justice, forgiveness and mercy. Why is this?
Because you believe in love and in me and as a result you are this love and it eminates from your heart. You must aim to always speak the language of love and you should trust when your heart stirs with love. You can go forward with love; and you should dare to dream of a world that is peaceful and abundant. A world governed by love. 

We want you to dream and to meditate upon the wonder of a peaceful earth.
Now is not the time to stop the dreams. On the contrary, this is exactly the time to bare your soul, to open you heart and speak to the heavens. Ask with strength and with mercy in your heart for all that need help, ask for all humanity, how may I help. What more can I do to help?

My heart stirs with wonder looking down at the wonderous work you all do to further the boundries of the mission. A small example of this is Joshua endlessly encouraging new people in Washington to experience what Sahaj Marg has to offer them. 

Be at peace and carry on in your practice with LOVE

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Many abhyasis are petitioning for my input on various matters affliciting them in their everyday lives and i wish to let all know that I do hear the many calls that come through their hearts, thoughts, prayers, entries in diaries and through this medium and that they do not go unnoted by us in the Brighter World and we are all working every second of ever day to guide, support and comfort you.

Those who seek guidance and answers to their problems should keep their eyes, ears and minds open as often i will send the anwers through vaious means such as via the lyrics of a song that is on the radio when you drive to work, a scene in a film you decide to watch on a whim, an overheard conversation between strangers or even a book you pick up on a friends coffee table.

We in the Brighter World often amalgamate our energies (ie out thoughts) with souls on Earth as this allows us to maximize the efficiency and the time of the various scribes who volunteer to serve in such a public capacity as is represented by our messages. A scribe is not just the author of this blog or the recipient of "whispers" it is a term i use for anyone who i send my messages through-singers, actors, jounalists or any human on earth


Please remember that we do not make demands upon abhyasis and we are not of force, coercion, or subtle manipulation. We will always honor your free will to choose, as you wish, above all else.

Never underestimate the important role each of you play in the progression of the mission into the Golden Era which is well under way 

As an abhyasi of Sahaj Marg the greatest gift you can give others is knowledge or ability to help themselves and you do your best to show others a way through the challenge called life, but the choice is always left to each individual as to whether or not they will walk the Sahaj Marg path that is being offered to them. Do not lament for those who choose not to follow this path and do not feel sorrow or feel that you have failed.
Please know that I DO hear the many petitions that come from your sincere desire to connect. Know, too, that I am always close to you and that in the stillness of your mind you can and do hear me.
I never abandon anyone, regardless of the choices and decisions they may make. 

It saddens me to say this but I do witness many who deliberately reject the call we make and to these people i say with an open heart I am here for you as well for it is not for me to judge what is appropriate or inappropriate for you. 

My love and supprt is offered with no conditions or expectation of reciprocation or understanding.

People are questionioning why this blog has been created-it was never my intention for my guidance to be bound into expensive luxorious books and sold to make money for the mission-this is a frivolous excersise as i wish my words to be accessible to ALL abhyasis not just those who can afford to spend hundreds of their particular currency be it dollars, pounds, euros or rupees on my words. It brings a feeling of shame to me that this has been done however i do not condem anyone for doing this as it was done with the best of intentions-to make money to further the future of the mission. I will always see to it that money is availible when needed there is no need to censor my words by placing them on paper and selling them. 

Love goes out  to you who “hear” and “see” (as well as to those of you who seem to make a career out of ignoring us). 

Blessings shower upon you all from your BABUJI.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dear Abhyasis who have emailed me questions in the past week,

I will do my best to answer these questions ASAP but it may take a few days for me to get through them all, please bear with me.

Thank you

Sunday, February 13, 2011


There will be a break of one week from posts being published on this blog as i take my long suffering beloved wife and soulmate on a well deserved vacation. 

When i return there will be more undiluted, raw, unedited words from BABUJI. A great man who has the kindness, love and compassion of a true master and who wants to help anyone who wants and asks for his help. He is not limited to only communicating through one channel and he may communicate through whichever means are neccesary to help those who need it.

It has been pointed out to me by my wife that there are several spelling errors through my posts, i apologise for this readers but i have been dyslexic since my childhood and this is not something i can or even wish to change 

Love and best wishes to all especially all the haters who need our love the most 


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Raga And Viji

How could you think i would not have a message for you my children?! You are an inspiring soul couple and your dedication to your master is a beautiful sight to behold. Your souls expand day by day and you are both progressing well and this brings me much happiness. 

Raga you have progressed through your career with much success but have not let your spiritual practices lapse. Your words and experiences can and will inspire others in similar situations-those who find it difficult to balance their work and spiritual lives. Use your strengths to help those in your part of America who are struggling.

Be blessed my beautiful children

Friday, February 11, 2011

Events in Egypt

The Middle East has for hundreds of years been the site of endless conflicts arising from political and religious diffrences between people who do not understand underneath everything that covers their eternal soul they are ALL the same. 

Events in Egypt over the past days show the power of this eternal soul and of the human spirit to overcome the negative powers that rage endlessly all over your world. 

The pure abhyasis of Sahaj Marg should currently use the prayer for humanity and the love in their hearts to pray for the people living in this region and emit vibrations of peace and love to the area.

More inhabitants in this region will follow the example of the Egyption people to bring justice and fairness to their countries, but it will be a daunting task and not without heartache. I request my children pray for the future of this region of Earth at this difficult time


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I received an email from someone who will remain striclty annonymous asking for guidance from Babuji about marriage and Sahaj Marg. The answer HE gave is below with all names and details taken out to protect the identity of the person who asked the question as per their request.
"One of the great challenges of living the human life is marriage. On your planet maybe 50% of marriages fail. Why is this? Because people do not understand the true purpose of marriage- a good marriage should offer both partners the chance to advance spiritually as it offers the opportunities to learn precious spiritual lessons of love, compassion, kindness, loyalty, and self-discipline. Those people who marry thinking that their chosen partner will satisfy all of their dreams are destined for a huge disappointment.

In my own marriage i had many problems-i speak honestly when i say i found my beloved wife quite difficult at times and she did not understand me but my MASTER guided me to wisely accept every thing she said or did as a godly gift and this lesson helped me on my own spiritual journey and for that i am eternally grateful to her.
Accept your wife as she is, flaws and all, for this is considered an act of spiritual love. Negative judgment is an ego device which divides people whereas acceptance is heartwarming and involves looking beyond any of your wifes weaknesses to the heart of her many strengths one example is her motherly love for your children.
You both should learn to appreciate each other and your own individual contributions to your relationship and household and by doing this you will be able to bond on a deeper level than couples who focus on what is missing from their relationships. For you this will involve acknowledging through words AND actions how much you love and value your wife. Be generous with your love, time, and attention for this a way of sharing your soul with another. These small acts will encourage love to blossom in your marriage.

You need to insulate your relationship with spiritual love by trying to understand what each other is experiencing when facing difficult or challenging times. Forgiving each other is one of the highest acts of spiritual love available as it creates a space in your hearts where love can bloom. When a husbad and wife forgive each other for making mistakes, they see the innocence in each other’s hearts.

I have stated my wish for Krishna to be the next leader of Sahaj Marg-his wife only starting her abhyas after marriage. Do not worry about being torn away from Sahaj Marg-this will never happen. When you are married and have a family you have to make sacrifices and you have to think of your family and live the grihastha life. All i ask is that you stick to the basic practice-morning meditation, evening cleaning and 9o'clock prayer. Attend satsanghs wherever possible but If you cannot attend Bhandaras do not punish yourself. You have a young family and need to work to look after them dearest son no matter where in the world you live i will always be in your heart and you MUST do what is best for your family. This is my humble request to you.

Your wife is confused about Sahaj Marg as she feels it is coming between you or dragging you away from her. Take the time to sit with her and talk. Be gentle and kind my son-never speak harshly to her. She feels worried, scared and she needs love. Slowly introduce her to Sahaj Marg-in turn this will help your relationship as you will be spending time together. Let her know that she is the most important person in your life and i will be watching over you and guiding you through your heart.


Monday, February 7, 2011


"I look down upon Nainital and see my son, weary from his latest travels, bravely carrying out his duty towards humanity. 

I see him surrounded by many loving souls but see one single person- a treacherous, dishonest and disloyal soul. He claims to be full of love for his MASTER but is in truth a danger to him. Not even the most astutue human could see through his cunningly assembled disguise as it is his inside soul which carried jealousy towards my son, in truth anyone who found out his inside feelings would be astounded to see the real nature of the abhyasi C.A.P.  He travels oceans to be with his MASTER and though he has made dangerous mistakes in the past he feels he has been forgiven but these mistakes are not forgotten. 

There are many abhyasis who are closer to their MASTER in their heart than this man is physically-and they dont incessantly bleat about their "love" for MASTER to all and sundry as he does.

A true abhyasi keeps their love for their MASTER close to their heart and protects it like a delicate flower. The true abhyasi does not feel the need to show off when they are close to HIM.

My son is surrounded by enough loving souls to be protected from this person who he has known for decades and he is aware of this mans true feelings......the old adage keep your friends close but your enemies closer was never more appropriate"

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The role of Dubai in the future of Sahaj Marg

As Sahaj Marg develops and expands through the world so do the material needs of the mission. 

In the GOLDEN ERA of our group, in generations to come, i picture a "MEDITATION STADIUM"  This will be built in honour of your current master- a pulchritudinous building which will have the room to accomodate the hundreds of thousends of abhyasis who will be joining us in the coming decades.  

This magnificent tribute will be in Dubai will will be an important centre of light in our system. 

It will be a sanctuary of tranquility and brotherly love where anyone can come and concentrate on their practice and spend time with likeminded brothers and sisters. This project will be initiated by my beloved Krishna and it will come to fruition in two generations time.

Love to all

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A quick note for Val

A short message came through for a lady called Val

"It would be more fitting for you to participate in the 9 o'clock prayer for humanity each day than what you did today (Wednesday) at 9 o'clock. We have no objection to your interest in our words but abhyasis are neglegting the prayer. Please dear daughter try to make a habit of saying the prayer for your fellow inhabitants of earth each day if you can"

A Message For Wendy My Daughter From Hong Kong

Dear Daughter

You have now been in the mission for close to six years. Your trips to India in 2007 and the latest trip in November 2010- Jan 2011 were very important as seeds were sown during the transmissions you received in these trips which will help you in your tasks. I wish to explain the reason your soul chose to return to Earth after being here in the Brighter World

In a past life your were a disciple of my MASTER the one known as LALAJI. You were in bliss and wanted to express your gratitude to HIM. I was watching when you spoke to him and said 

“Master such a shame I didnt know my inner Self for all the years before i met you! I suffered for so long and only you selflessly helped me to realise the truth. How will i ever be able to repay your grace and love? It is not in my power to repay your devotion and love to me?"

 My Master replied, "Dear Child it is quite simple-your repayment to me will consist of not lapsing into ignorance again but in continuing in the state you have achieved.” 

You were devoted to him as no other was and though this devotion you attained liberation and spent much time in the brighter world. 

You chosen to return to the panet Earth at this time to help spread the word of Sahaj Marg to many people and to guide them on the path. You are an exeptional soul and this is why you have been chosen to help guide people to Sahaj Marg and your beloved MASTER.

Our blessings are always with you dearest daughter



This is for the person who has left comments on my blog

*I am a MAN not a women

*I do not publish the comments you leave me on my blog as they are not relevent to the subject of this blog which is BABUJIS messages-if you want to debate who i am/what my motives are/why im doing this then you are free to do it in your own space on your blog but thats not what this space is for

You may have had a bad experience with Sahaj Marg but there are thousands of people who have a wonderful experience with it every single day and these messages are for them.

I hope this clears up any questions you had

To all the other readers of this blog-i am in no way affiliated with any other blogs about Sahaj Marg-i am simply here to publish messages i receive from BABUJI

Thank you

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Future Generations of Sahaj Marg a mesage from LALAJI

Today, a day when thousands of souls remembered me with love and affection in their hearts, i wish to speak a few words about the next generations of Sahaj Marg.......Many of the Abhyasis of the future GOLDEN AGE of Sahaj Marg are still young children......let me share the example of Mala who is only children Divya and Hari your little girl is being watched over by us and we are proud of your parenting skills, in the future your daughter will CHOOSE to become and abhyasi and will have an important role to play in the Golden Age....but for now let her enjoy life in the innocence of childhood

The children of the current generations will be the ones to usher in the Golden Age-look after them, nuture them, treat them with love always