Monday, January 24, 2011


"My Son is not a fan of blogs but as technological advances progress at an ever speedier rate, we in Sahaj Marg must embrace it. 

Why do i say this?   

Because most human beings are programmed to think about spiritual matters once their basic needs are met and not a moment sooner. Technology allows us to take care of our basic needs quicker so that a large number of people can focus on higher, spiritual matters. 

It also allows rapid information dissemination and generates debate and discussion, thus facilitating communion with higher thought.

We must take pity on the few individuals who use the internet to discourage people from venturing towards Sahaj Marg-but this is a fruitless excercise-the souls that are fortunate enough to have the blessing of finding us were pre-destined to find us from the beggining of time and nothing will stop them from doing this.

My children i ask you to pray for the people who are so bitter about Sahaj Marg-they deserve our love and i extend an open invitation to them to join us-we do not bear grudges"

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