Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Dear Beloved Abhyasi Children,

I have spoken to you on many occasions on the need to look forward and to resist the tempation to continually look back on the past i will now expand

On your planet there are energy and physical structures that hold your world together  and these structires are now transforming in many ways. Some structures are simply disintegrating as they are unable to sustain the weight of the changes that are creating more spiritual light on on your planet. The structures arent simply physical structures, they are also energy structures and these have been created by collective consciousness-when we meditate, when we say the evening prayer, when we attend bhandaras or when we gather in small groups for satsangh we create a powerful spiritual energy which can only be used for the good of mankind. 

At this cruical time on the Earth a huge awakening process has been set in motion. Just as the sun dawns after a long dark and cold night, the spiritual reality of divine love is becoming more and more palpable for those souls that are blessed with the ability to tune into their spiritual self.

 Even for those that are not able to perceive HIS love, light and truth in their lives, the increase of spiritual light on the Earth is empowering the consciousness of unity, which is the understanding that all are ONE, that all actions have consequences, and that all beings and all of life are connected. Examples of this can be seen all over the world for example in the changes that are happening  socially, politically and economically. Most people are still living life with the assumption that they are alone and separate, but large scale changes mean that people have no choice but to come together to try and find answers that will work for all. There are countless examples of this all over the planet.

I urge you all to take the maxim Know all people as thy brethren and treat them as such and  put it into action to create a more loving world by becoming more aware of the thoughts, feelings and judgements of your brothers and sisters that you experience as you go about your day. 

Every single abhyasis spiritual practice has an impact on the world. I see alot of you feel insignificant or helpless in your current situations, but you all have everything you need to change the world WITHIN YOU.

You should have an awareness of the thoughts you are putting into the world each day, this  is where CONSTANT REMEMBERANCE is important as it brings greater light to you and to others that you encounter at work at home even strangers you meet in the street.
When you are able to see yourself as I see you, you will then start to see others through the eyes of divine love.
At the present time souls are making choices as to where they will go and whether they will remain on the Earth for the new energy that is arriving. This is the very beginning of the dawn of the GOLDEN ERA of Sahaj Marg. 

The future is more glorious than you can possibly imagine. 

Your soul contains the knowledge of why you are here on the Earth during this momentous  and difficult time. Your soul and it's knowledge is your source for divine love. It is possible to connect more deeply with your soul, through prayer and meditation under the guidance of your MASTER


Saturday, January 29, 2011


"Events in Egypt show the importance of an heir to the throne of any organisation-whether it be political, royal, spiritual or religious. The aging president has ruled the country for nearly 30 years but now the people-his followers are demanding a change. 

This highlights how important it is to announce the next leader so there is no confusion.....the abhyasis of Sahaj Marg will want a leader who is familiar to them, who has experience in Sahaj Marg and who has shown his ability to lead and speak on matters of a spiritual nature. My beloved Krishna fufiills all of the requirements. This is my wish but my son of course has the free will to choose whoever he feels is the best-we can only guide him. 

Any organisation without an heir will always have a sense of instability bubbling just under the surface take not of events in Egypt my son and do what you feel is best for the abhyasis"

Friday, January 28, 2011

A message for Gary an abhyasi from Massachusetts

"Your trip to the spiritual homeland in August was the most important of your life....while you were in the psysical prescence of your beloved MASTER we were able to carry out important work on you as your soul opened up with joy from being in such close proximity to our son.

Though you have done lots of manual jobs through your life that have required lots of hard physical labour, your softer side is revealed through your art. You have a gift and it is important, dear child, that you carry on with it for it opens your soul and it brings joy to many people who look upon it. Your grandchildren will be influenced by your art and one in particular- LG born in the month of may will inherit your talent"

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nonie a message for you-and for everyone who questions why bad things happen.

"Dear Daughter Nonie,

I see in your inner heart you sometimes wonder what sort of a world you live in- where disasters both natural and manmade occur on an almost daily basis and you wish there was peace on earth so your beloved son could grow up and live in peace and happiness. My daughter i will explain to you why this is so.

Let us take the devastating situation of natural diasters such as earthquakes, floods and tsunamis. Believe it or not there is much for which to be grateful for in these scenarios. People surviving agains all odds and bravely picking up their lives again. Young and old people, with severe wounds, waiting quietly for rescue to come to them no matter how much pain they are in.

There are the selfless good samaritans: doctors, nurses, soldiers who come from the four corners of the earth most of them having responded to the call for help out of their genuine selfless compassion for humanity and not because they were pressuried to go. And the people who cannot be there but who give much of their hard earned money to help in these situations.

There is a wonderful sense of purpose in society at times like these.

Within EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON EARTH there is an immortal soul that is COMPLETELY and UNRESEVEDLY loving. 

The soul speaks to the conscious mind, directly through intuition and through the human heart. This is why we say FEELING IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE SOUL.

In disasters the human heart speaks with compassion. The destructive power of earthquakes, tsunamis or floods can be overcome by the positive energy of human compassion.

We in the brighter world feel the response to natural disasters should be one of gratitude. You may feel that this is a shocking statement and it is difficult to comprehend why we would say this but it is important to remember that the souls that suffer in natural disaters have freely chosen before incarnating there to undertake a lesson of this kind. Each soul involved in any sort of disater is not there by accident.
Some souls seek to die in pain, some to die and leave family and friends without their support (this is normally agreed with other souls who will be involved before incarnation) The list is endless.

 So why give thanks for natural disasters? 

Because they enable lessons to be provided, whether directly or indirectly involved in the drama. You are on your planet Earth to learn about your loving inner soul and this must be done in part by suffering. 

Some of you get to share your unconditionally loving nature in the support and service you give to other people but no matter what path you choose to follow-suffering or helping each is a way to wisdom and the growth of the soul.

So my dear daughter your son, as alll souls have, has chosen to come to earth to learn lessons to help his progression to enlightenment.  Do not lament the fact that natural disasters occur for there is nothing that can be done to stop them-they happen for a reason.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A message for the abhyasi having doubts about her practice

"My dear daughter,

Please do not worry. 

Yes, most of the time you can feel my guiding you through your heart during the meditation you practice without fail at sunrise every morning. You live your life by the maxims and are dedicated to your master. You must not have the doubts you are feeling at the moment because sometimes you WILL have relatively quiet times. 

There will be occassions when it feels to you like the tide has gone out and you are waiting for it to come back in. But these moments are not what they appear. Your heart feels quiet and this is done intentionally by us so you can use the respite in activity for self-reflection and when you do this dear daughter you will discover that quiet times are extremely beneficial. 

In time to come when you look back on these times, you will come to understand that the most rewarding times included these moments of reflection.
It takes a wise abhyasi to appreciate the silent meditative times as well as the action-oriented ones. With wisdom, you will value the clarity that comes from reflection and intentionally seeking the spiritual view of your path. When you connect with yourself in a deeper way you will glimpse hidden things too.

The cruical missing piece to a puzzle may appear symbolically in a meditation, you may find the answer to a dilemma you have been pondering for a while. 

Even when you cannot hear us, know that we are always there beloved daughter"

Monday, January 24, 2011


"My Son is not a fan of blogs but as technological advances progress at an ever speedier rate, we in Sahaj Marg must embrace it. 

Why do i say this?   

Because most human beings are programmed to think about spiritual matters once their basic needs are met and not a moment sooner. Technology allows us to take care of our basic needs quicker so that a large number of people can focus on higher, spiritual matters. 

It also allows rapid information dissemination and generates debate and discussion, thus facilitating communion with higher thought.

We must take pity on the few individuals who use the internet to discourage people from venturing towards Sahaj Marg-but this is a fruitless excercise-the souls that are fortunate enough to have the blessing of finding us were pre-destined to find us from the beggining of time and nothing will stop them from doing this.

My children i ask you to pray for the people who are so bitter about Sahaj Marg-they deserve our love and i extend an open invitation to them to join us-we do not bear grudges"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Ashrams For The Golden Era In Ireland

"The search continues for an Ashram in the "Emerald Isle" as it is known- beautiful Ireland. My children will be successful in finding a place to build a home from home for abhyasis from all over the world. My daughter and sons Claire, Noreen, Soren and many others will lay the foundations of a small but important centre for the Golden Era. My children i know it is frustrating-the search for the perfect location and price will take a while yet but i promise you, when it is built you will forget any trouble you had in finding the perfect place and your hearts will fill with joy and love. I watch with love and happiness as you carry out this important work for the mission. Daughter Claire if you do manage to visit Manapakkum in February on your return you will be full of vigour and zest and the search will become easier"

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A message for the next leader of Sahaj Marg :) with LOVE from Grace

Messages are normally received from BABUJI but for this message he stepped aside and a womens spirit came forward to speak and requested this message to be posted for the attention of the MASTER of Sahaj Margs son:

"My Glorious Beta

Words cannot descibe the joy i feel when i see how you have grown from the boy i used to know to the leader-in-waiting of our BABUJIs labour of love that is Sahaj Marg. Your father has took BABUJIs dream and turned it into a reality and soon you will be handed the "spiritual crown"
Many moons ago when we first met you were a young boy full of joy and amazement at the world. Even then i could see you would go on to great things. Now HE has revealed he wishes you to be the next living MASTER i can see that i was right, i could see your souls purity, love and kindness from a young age.

The magazines i paid for kindled your imagination about the geographical world which you live in-you saw the beauty and the wonderous sites that could be seen around the world-now you see the beauty of the soul within you which is so much better (she laughs) if only every soul on earth could see this!

Beta, dig out those letters i wrote to you and relive the joys of your childhood-before long a big responsibilty will be placed on your shoulders"

With BABUJIS permission i say these words to you- you will be a great leader-just, kind, caring and you will help to shape the future of the GOLDEN ERA of Sahaj Marg


Monday, January 17, 2011

A question from abhyasi C******** O'B****

An abhyasi asked me to ask a question to BABUJI, her name will be kept anonymous as per her request.

Everybody on Earth has problems sometimes even new born babies, please could you ask BABUJI why this is?

"Dear Daughter

Your planet can be compared to a perfect jail and every inmate has many "crimes" (ie samskaras) to pay for and lessons to learn.  The lessons learnt will enable every prisoner not to commit such crimes anymore and enable them to return into the society (the brighter world). This can explain the reason why everyone on earth has problems. The "crime" they have to pay for determines the problems they will have in their incarnation.

Some people believe that man’s existence on earth is simply to work, eat, have children, suffer, have fun and then just die; this implies life will has no meaning.  If this was the only purpose to life then it would mean HE is not just or fair. HE wants my children to live, enjoy the fruits of their labour and never die but live with me for ever. I do not wish my children to lack anything, talk less of suffering and simply vanishing one day.

But every soul has free will and if my child uses this free will and decides to go against the rules and laws I have set forth (THE TEN MAXIMS of Sahaj Marg) that are meant to create balance among all my children and creation they will have to be placed somewhere where they will have to learn lessons through suffering and pain. The experiences the they will go through will be equal to the choices and actions they engaged in that created the present circumstances.

Never fear though as we will always protect his soul. No mater how long they take to learn their lessons their soul will be protected and the moment that they finish their lessons I will gladly receive them and restore them in my presence.  No matter what mistakes you make i will always be here to help you-there is no-one who is beyond help


Saturday, January 15, 2011

A beautiful message

My dear children,
In life you experience changes that bring you discomfort both physically and emotionally.You  see chaos, turmoil and pain of a society that wishes to cling to everything they know and hold dear. A society that wishes not to change because they fear, they doubt and they do not feel ready for the tremendous changes that are coming.  

However it does not need to be a painful or miserable existence and choice. 
Many abhyasis know the experience of evolving and ascending and enlightening and the shift in vibration that takes place as you raise your consciousness and intention. As you feel different physically and emotionally as you carry out your sadhana and progress through the levels towards liberation know that you are different.  
Yet many find it difficult to face change. This is because of the time was spent before Sahaj Marg and the guidance of my Son- time that was filled with doubt and destruction and lies- and institutions and the media that would have you believe that you are a victim and you need to be saved to move forward with your life
Look at the planet you live on and see the beauty and magnificence that is your life and your experience. How could this be anything but love? I tell you today that love is all you have ever been and all you need ever choose to experience. The changes of the future are changes brought on by, through and for love. These changes will bring a much greater vibration of love to the entire universe. 
The beings of the universe which you are currently unaware of are watching and paying attention because they know there is great resistance on your planet and they know this resistance causes great pain. But you need not choose to resist. 

If you will become aware of the joy of each step you take that brings you closer to enlightenment, you will see that you have a path in front of you that is only filled with light and happiness. 

If you will choose to let it take you where you need to go, you will find that you have received a gift and become who you are- who you really came to be joyful and free.The answers to the questions of your path and purpose will be presented and an understanding of why you’re here, and life and the planet will all be made available to you effortlessly. All the answers that you seek are within. It is only your perception that you have no access, that you don‘t know enough yet, that you’re not complete enough and that you don’t have what you need in order to get where you need to go

Your path is richly interwoven in the tapestry of others. Allow yourself what fills your heart most with love and joy. . 
Through  the years I have been asked to solve and heal. And, I now give the same answer that I have always given. Ask your own heart. Your way to me, your true path is your own heart.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A message for Abhigya from New Delhi

"My Son

The losses you have endured in your life haunt you but i am always watching over you please remember this and speak to me for guidance. We in the brighter world are proud of you and the work you have achieved, you are a professional although your job does not always bring you joy, it is important for you to work hard as you help to bring legal justice to the world.

The boy who arrived in your world less than a month ago will have a future in Sahaj Marg-his path will become clear in the future and he will be important in the GOLDEN ERA. You are his Chachaji-and will guide him on the path when he is old enough

There was a reason you lost your pictures-some memories should be forgotten has they hold you back from spiritual progress


This message was received yesterday at 10am and Babuji says it is 

"For my beloved Son who is for leader of thousands but feels so alone at this moment, please know you are on the right path regardless of whether you struggle or feel happiness.  Through the things you experience you will grow even more than you already have and move forward to whatever you choose but if you decide to choose more happiness and less struggle, we will provide you with guidance.
TAKE NOTE of what and who you are resisting. You are having doubts in your heart about the person you have trusted for so long-these doubts are well founded my beloved son. LOOK INTO YOUR HEART and the answer you find there is the truth-this you know.
Trust in the higher plan, this is the secret, although not so easy to do at times.  You have the ability to work through this  Either way, try to always find joy in the lesson.  Even when you feel stuck, you can move if you are able to create joy in the situation. 

Recognise all the wonderful things already present in your life and all the wonderful work you have carried out in my name this will remove your lack of hope.

Nothing on your planet is permanent.  See every situation as temporary and you will find the answer to your problem."

Monday, January 10, 2011

Message for Miss Philo

A message for a young lady called Philo (i think this is the surname)

"Dear Daughter

You have a wonderful life on the small sunny island you have resided on for the past 3 half years but a little more attention is needed to your spiritual practice. BMW cars and material possesions are very nice but do not neglet your spiritual life. Whale watching season is nearly at its peak-get back to basics meditate in nature and it will bring you hapiness

You are waiting for your soulmate-be patient and i will send him to you soon"

A balance between material and spiritual life

I was asked by a preceptor of Sahaj Marg, who shall remain annonymous, to ask BABUJI for guidance. He is a managing director of his own company and was finding it difficult to find the time for his spiritual and material duties. Below is the guidance Babuji had for him:

"To find balance is difficult yet not impossible, he needs help balancing the two and a choice must be made" I asked what he meant by this and he said "To be spiritualy sound, one must make sacrifices. Needs assistance with business, must seek more help, remember you cannot take material things with you to the other side but spirituality lasts forever"

I thought this message would be applicable to alot of people so this is why i have published it.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A message for the man who helps people see?

This message was received for a middle-aged man who works with eyes? The number 600116 appeared when receiving the message and my glasses randomly fell off the shelf they were on during the reading and one of the leses fell out-i dont know if this has any significance?

Im not sure of the location of this peson but BABUJI mentions St Andrews Church, My Lady Garden and the word Mahaveer? Also near a sea or ocean? 

Alss im told that this man studied in a city which has a building with statue of a bird spreading its wings from the top of each clock towerof the building?
"Dear Beloved Son

Sometimes it is difficult for us to deliver negative news but we would not say it unless it was important...

We love and and guide you and you are making wonderful progress and your committment to sadhana your master is eternal we can see this. But be aware of your ego. We say this with love and kindness-do not let peoples words of praise go to your head for pride comes before a fall and we do not want to witness you falling. Spend time alone reading on your balcony and think of me-i will come to you, ne aware of new people who try to befriend you-their intentions are not pure. Blessing my beloved son"

Is this message for you?

A message for an abhyasi living somewhere with the following connections- a golf club, st michaels church and hospital and a star and a garter? Also near water-either a sea or ocean?

"Someone will try to lead your from Sahaj Marg this year. You have the free will to choose your own path but our advice from the brighter world is to attend every bhandara this year to re-affirm your faith and allow us to work on you more effectively. The closer you are to our son, your master, the more effective our transmissions will be as the negative energies trying to pull you away will have less effect the closer you are to the source. Blessings dear daughter"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A book recommendation from BABUJI :)

Whilst communicating with Babuji about a personal matter (i was seeking advice from BABUJI on the anniversary of the death of my dear father 5 years ago) he said i would get guidance from him in the form of written communication which would address all of my issues.

A few days later i was sitting in my dentists surgery and on the waiting room table was a book which i felt compelled to pick up and read. After picking up this book and asking permission to borrow it from the surgery i took it home and read it in one sitting. Upon completing this book BABUJI confirmed that this was the written communication he had been speaking of.

BABUJI is truly amazing and i thank him for his guidance. He communicates with us through songs, written words even overhearing snippits of peoples conversations can be his communication. So keep your ears and eyes open my dear friends for you never know when HE may be trying to reveal a message to you in the subtlest of ways.

(ps the book is called JOURNEY OF SOULS by Michael Newton-i highly recommend it)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A message from BABUJI: Why Do We Experience Pleasure and Pain

"On planet Earth your human bodies change over the years. From a baby to a child, from a child to an adult, from an adult to an old person. 

Your scientists tell you that every seven years cells in your body die and new ones are born-so this means every seven years your body is completely renewed. 

However dispite these outwardly changes you still feel yourself inwardly to be the same person: THE INNER SELF DOES NOT CHANGE. When the outer body changes for the last time we call it death and at that time of death the inner self moves on to enter a new body. 

In the same way that an actor changes clothes to play different parts, the soul changes bodies to live different lives according to its samskaras and needs. In every life the soul tries to experience pleasure and avoid pain. This is because the soul is trying to regain its eternal, blissful nature but does not know how to do this.

This means that in each life you experience a frustrating mixture of pleasure and pain. If you can practice patience in the face of both pleasure and pain and the happiness and distress they bring with them you  will learn to distinguish truth, which is eternal, from illusion

I accompany you on your journey through the universe. Think of me as an old friend, speak to me about your worries and let me help you. I know your past, present and future and love you eternally and without question


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Message from BABUJI about 2012

An Abhyasi asked Babuji to clarify about rumours that the world will end in 2012:

 "My children please don't pay any attention to fear-based messages about the year 2012. Those who teach about the world ending in 2012 do so from the ego and from profit-motives. 

The truth is simple: All is well, now and next year. Remeber your life purpose is to be a role model of peace, and be vigilent about keeping your thoughts, words, and energies on the PEACEFUL path. .

Detach yourself from drama of all forms, including teachings about the end of the earth, conspiracy theories,and any other doomsday prophesies.

As the years progress Sahaj Marg will grow and peace will prevail on planet Earth


Monday, January 3, 2011

A message for Kathleen S

"Dearest Daughter

Tomorrow your beautiful exhibition ends-your artistic ability is a beautiful gift bestowed upon you by the higher powers to enable you to bring joy and happiness to the world. 

Your soul is a beauty to behold it eminates love, compassion and happiness to all the people you come into contact with. When my son, your living MASTER, came to your home in Montreuil nearly three years ago i was there too my beloved daughter and saw the happiness that came to his inner soul when he saw your beautiful paintings.
You are a wonderful example of what an Abhyasi should be-your generosity with the money made from your artwork is wonderful-helping girls in the financially poor countries to get and education by donating money to help build schools.

Your son J***** and his beautiful C***** will have a happy future and please do not worry about any health worries this year to do with them-they will soon pass and will be minor and nothing to worry about

Blessings rain upon you dear daughter"

Saturday, January 1, 2011


"Blessings to all souls on the first day of this new year. It is important at the beginning of a new year to go back to basics and remember the simplicity of Sahaj Marg and the basics of the practice of meditation.
The journey of meditation has a great deal in common with climbing a mountain and when you reach the summit of the meditation mountain, what do you see, what was the journey for?
I declare the top of the mountain harbours the SOURCE OF ALL LOVE-this is what you are aiming for. The experience of reaching the summit is one of enlightenment awakening liberation freedom and union with the ONE.

It reqires steady effort and application but it is important to remember the mountain doesnt exist in some far away place outside you! It exists in the depths of your being and awaits your discovery.The journey of meditation begins with a cultivation of awarenes my children.

Sit be at peace and climb the mountain i will be waiting at the top to greet you."