"Dear Beloved Abhyasi Children,
I have spoken to you on many occasions on the need to look forward and to resist the tempation to continually look back on the past i will now expand
On your planet there are energy and physical structures that hold your world together and these structires are now transforming in many ways. Some structures are simply disintegrating as they are unable to sustain the weight of the changes that are creating more spiritual light on on your planet. The structures arent simply physical structures, they are also energy structures and these have been created by collective consciousness-when we meditate, when we say the evening prayer, when we attend bhandaras or when we gather in small groups for satsangh we create a powerful spiritual energy which can only be used for the good of mankind.
At this cruical time on the Earth a huge awakening process has been set in motion. Just as the sun dawns after a long dark and cold night, the spiritual reality of divine love is becoming more and more palpable for those souls that are blessed with the ability to tune into their spiritual self.
Even for those that are not able to perceive HIS love, light and truth in their lives, the increase of spiritual light on the Earth is empowering the consciousness of unity, which is the understanding that all are ONE, that all actions have consequences, and that all beings and all of life are connected. Examples of this can be seen all over the world for example in the changes that are happening socially, politically and economically. Most people are still living life with the assumption that they are alone and separate, but large scale changes mean that people have no choice but to come together to try and find answers that will work for all. There are countless examples of this all over the planet.
I urge you all to take the maxim Know all people as thy brethren and treat them as such and put it into action to create a more loving world by becoming more aware of the thoughts, feelings and judgements of your brothers and sisters that you experience as you go about your day.
Every single abhyasis spiritual practice has an impact on the world. I see alot of you feel insignificant or helpless in your current situations, but you all have everything you need to change the world WITHIN YOU.
You should have an awareness of the thoughts you are putting into the world each day, this is where CONSTANT REMEMBERANCE is important as it brings greater light to you and to others that you encounter at work at home even strangers you meet in the street.
When you are able to see yourself as I see you, you will then start to see others through the eyes of divine love.
At the present time souls are making choices as to where they will go and whether they will remain on the Earth for the new energy that is arriving. This is the very beginning of the dawn of the GOLDEN ERA of Sahaj Marg.
The future is more glorious than you can possibly imagine.
Your soul contains the knowledge of why you are here on the Earth during this momentous and difficult time. Your soul and it's knowledge is your source for divine love. It is possible to connect more deeply with your soul, through prayer and meditation under the guidance of your MASTER